Michigan’s Jeff Daniels Taking On Iconic Broadway Role
After appearing on Netflix's Godless and Hulu's The Looming Tower in recent years, Jeff Daniels is set to leave Chelsea again to play Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird, on Broadway. According to Closer Weekly, he just recently read the book, saying, "I hadn’t read it or seen the movie, but now I've read the book and seen the movie twice." (What? I thought everybody had to read that book in school)
Closer also asked him what's so special about living in Michigan as opposed to Hollywood. "It slows you down," Jeff said, "It always reminds you when you go back into a movie or a play that it's an extra dose of special."
Here's my opinion - drive around Chelsea, MI and then drive around L.A. some afternoon and then tell me which one you prefer. I know I-94 is bad, but....
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