Michigan will play Loyola-Chicago for a spot in the NCAA  Championship basketball game, this Saturday night at 7PM. They'll not only be battling the Loyola-Chicago Ramblers, whose fans dress like noted wizard Harry Potter, but they'll be up against the clearly awesome powers of their chaplain, Sister Jean. And - FYI - according to AL.com, the Sister Jean bobblehead just became the fasting selling bobblehead in bobblehead history.

The Michigan Wolverines needed an answer to the "Sister Jean Situation"

Enter, "Grammie".

Mary Belle Hicks is Jalen Rose's 100 year old grandmother, affectionately known as "Grammie". As the grandmother of one of Michigan's "Fab Five" from the early 1990s, Grammie knows a thing or two about Michigan basketball. We'll see how her powers match up with SisterJean's.


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