Michigan State University Spartan Marching Band Honored Yet Again
When I think about it, I have no idea why I'm a radio broadcaster.
Sure, I like music, but most of my colleagues in my business got into radio because they had some form of musical talent and they like music.
I have ZERO musical talent. I can't sing, I can't play a musical instrument. Like I said, ZERO musical talent. My parents tried to help raise my musical aptitude as a pre-teen by making me take piano lessons.
All that did was raise my aptitude for swearing. I was a terrible piano player and when you're not terribly patient and you don't like sitting at a piano practicing while your buddies are outside playing...well you know how that story ends.
I guess I became a radio broadcaster because I like to talk. Imagine that...But I digress.
Let's get back to this music thing. A point that cannot be argued is that The Michigan State University Spartan Marching Band is world class and one of the greatest in history.
They've been deservedly honored many, many, many times and here is yet another. According to the Stanbury Uniforms Facebook page, the band has been chosen by the College Band Directors National Association for what they consider to be achievement and excellence in performance and effectiveness. This month, the MSU Spartan Marching Band will be the featured performers at the CBDNA National Conference in Arizona.
Congratulations Spartans!
See this is the cool stuff that can happen when you stick with those music lessons!