Why Do Michigan Girl Scouts Sell Caramel deLites Instead of Samoas?
Girl Scout Cookie season is here, and if you're like me, you're probably buying up boxes to stuff in your face now, and a few extras to throw into the freezer for later in the year when you need your fix.
But, did you know that depending on what part of the country you live in, varies which version of the girl scout's infamous cookie lineup you get. And one of the biggest dividing lines in the cookie lineups is which one people like more: The Caramel deLite, or it's coconutty cousin, the Samoa.
What is the difference in the Caramel deLites and Samoa cookies?
When it comes to baking their cookies, the girl scouts trust two regional factories to help them get all of the cookies out there during their season.
The two bakeries are ABC Bakers, and Little Brownie Bakers. ABC Bakers, located in South Dakota, has been making Girl Scout cookies since 1937. Their unique cookies include: Lemonades, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Caramel Chocolate Chip, Toast-Yay and Raspberry Rally.
Meanwhile, Little Brownie Bakers is located in Louisville, Kentucky and is a newcomer on the Girl Scout scene, baking cookies for 35 years. Their unique cookies include: Lemon-Ups, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Girl Scout S’Mores, and Toffee-tastic.
So basically, whichever region your girl scout cookies source their cookies from, is which one you'll get. Michigan's girl scouts get their cookies from ABC Bakers, giving us the Caramel deLites.
There is a slight difference in the two cookies. Caramel deLites like their name states, are a little more caramel based. Meanwhile their cousin the Samoa, is a little more coconutty in nature.
So the next time you travel, or talk to your out of town family and they mention having Samoas, you can rest easy knowing what they mean, and the difference in the two. If you'd like to pick up cookies of your own, check out the handy cookie tracker.