Guess Who Can Get A Haircut Before You In Michigan?
So it was yesterday that I was lamenting the fact that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was lifting the "Stay At Home" order for the rest of the state. This puts us all at "Phase 4", just like the people Up North who have been enjoying the phase for the past couple weeks.
What does Phase 4 mean and why was I lamenting? Well, you can check out what Phase 4 means here and I was less than excited because even though among many things this now means we can all get out and go eat at restaurants, what it doesn't mean is this:
Gyms can't open yet. Not a real big problem for me. I'm pretty sure that the last time I saw a gym was when I attended a high school basketball game or something like that.
Indoor theaters can't open yet. I love the movies and I'll even go and take in the occasional play or something like that, but I can wait for those to reopen.
Casinos? Some will remain closed. Kind of a bummer. I enjoy a casino visit once in awhile.
So what's the problem, you ask? As I posted here yesterday, unfortunately hair salons are not allowed to open either. Or in my case, the barber shop. That's a real bummer. If my hair keeps growing I'm going to end up looking like a stunt double in a Bigfoot movie.
So right now I cant get a haircut and maybe you can't get a haircut, but guess who can according to freep.com?
Fido. That's right, man's best friend can now get a good shearing. Dog groomers can now reopen on Thursday. However, it's still a no-no for man's best friend's best friend. We will have to wait some say maybe until around July 4th. Get more info here from freep.com.
"It's a dog's life"...Well these days that doesn't seem so bad.

MORE: Here Are 10 Dogs Whose Owners Groomed Them At Home
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