Going To Best Buy And Don’t Have A Mask? They’ll Give You One
So, there's been a lot of controversy lately surrounding the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you wear one or not? While I realize the mandates and orders that have been issued about wearing masks should be observed, I still see some not observing those mandates and orders.
Understand too that I'm not judging. I've just seen some people these days wearing a mask and having no issues getting into businesses and others who were turned away at other businesses and shaking their heads because they couldn't understand why they were turned away.
Well it looks like the folks at Best Buy have got you covered next time you happen to walk up to their entrance and are without a mask.
They have one for you my friend.
Best Buy, which has a location on the West Side next to the Lansing Mall and another location in Okemos behind Burger King and next to the Meridian Mall will now according to News 10 provide you a mask should you walk up empty handed, or empty faced as the case may be.
Now if you can't wear a mask due to health concerns or if you have a small child with you, you are also exempt due to the health concern and the child won't have to wear a mask so there are some exceptions to the rule. Also don't forget, you can also shop online or on the Best Buy app if you'd like to bypass wearing a face mask at all.
You can get more information here on face masks and Best Buy at the News 10 website.