Don’t Forget To Bring A New Toy To The Wittle Country Christmas Party!
Tomorrow is the big night; our annual Wittle Country Christmas Party, sponsored by LaFontaine Ford and taking place at Tequila Cowboy Bar & Grill! If you're coming to the party tomorrow night (or tonight, if you're reading this on Wednesday, lol), here's a little reminder...
We'll be collecting new toys at the Wittle Country Christmas Party to go towards the annual WITL Jay J. McCrae Toy-A-Thon benefiting Toys For Tots! If you're able, bring a new, unwrapped toy with you to the party, and the US Marines will be there to collect it!
And of course, you can always join us this Sunday for the WITL Jay J. McCrae Toy-A-Thon for Toys For Tots, in partnership with Capital Area District Libraries. The Toy-A-Thon will take place from 9 am to 3 pm right here at the WITL Studio, 3420 Pine Tree Road, Lansing, 48911. Get more details about the annual Toy-A-Thon by clicking here!
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