Do You Think It Should Be Required That Students Learn How To Write In Cursive?
According to WILX, there's an Indiana lawmaker who is hoping her bill to require schools to teach cursive finally passes. The author of the bill, Republican Sen. Jean Leising, has proposed her legislation every year since 2011; the year that State school officials decided to make cursive an optional lesson.
The bill was passes by the Senate, we'll have to see what the House says. I was pretty intrigued by this bill. I was definitely taught cursive in school, and I remember really enjoying it. After reading this article though, I realized that's it's been quite some time that I wrote anything in cursive but my signature. I feel like it's turning into a sort of lost art.
What do you think? Do you think that schools should be required to teach cursive? I'd be really interested in hearing a teachers perspective! Let me know in the comments below or on Facebook.
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