Canadian Pacific Holiday Train to Pass Through Michigan Again
Once again, the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will be stopping this year in Windsor, Ontario - just over the line from Detroit - and passing through southern Michigan, on its way to Chicago.
According to the Holiday Train website, the schedule calls for the train to arrive in Windsor shortly after 5 PM this Saturday, with live music from 6-6:30 PM. Late that night the train will leave Windsor and travel through southern Michigan and northern Indiana, arriving in Chicago at the Bensenville station (near O' Hare Airport), at 3:15 PM on Monday, December 2nd.
After the train leaves Windsor and while it's traveling through Michigan, the lights may or may not be lit, but in the past a good place to watch for it has been near Adrian, MI. Granted, it will be very late when it goes through, but, hey - it's a Saturday night. Two years ago, MLive.com got video of the train coming through Michigan.
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