A new Purdue University study is out that says Lake Michigan and the inland lakes in the Great lakes region are all getting warmer. What does that mean? Good news for bass - bad news for trout and salmon. According to the Chicago Tribune, especially further south in the area, this may drive cold water fish like trout and salmon into deeper, colder water in the big lakes or to move further north. And, it may also contribute to killing off some of the smaller fish that feed the big fish. Conversely, the warming could make way for more bass to expand their territory and move north.

Inland, the warmer water may cause more algae blooms which affects the oxygen levels in the deeper water of smaller lakes, making it tough for all fish.

On top of all that, the Indiana DNR is now getting reports of armadillo sightings. I was in the central part of Missouri two weeks ago and saw two road kill armadillos in a ten mile stretch of I-44. That was the first time I'd seen them that far north. But is that due to climate change or are they just adapting?

Hang on - it's only going to get weirder.


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