Now that Easter is over, the price on some Easter candy has already been dropped at (insert your favorite Easter candy retailer here.) I'm sure that one of the Easter treats that you're more than likely find on sale is the infamous Peep. Over the weekend, I was shopping with my mom and she needed to buy some last-minute Peeps for my niece (yes, she actually likes them) and that shopping trip inspired me to do a little research on the marshmallow Easter treats and here are a few things that I learned.

First of all, did you know that Peeps have been around a LONG time? And by a LONG time, I mean since 1953! According to the Hickory Record website, a company called Just Born started making them back in 1953 after purchasing The Rodda Candy Company. Did you know that yellow is the most popular color? Yep, it's true! The original Peeps were yellow and white and then they started making them in other colors like pink, blue, green and more.

Also, if you happen to be shopping for reduced-price peeps today, you'll be happy to know that they are low in calorie. The Peeps chick has 28 calories and the Peeps bunny has 27.5 stock up! :)

You can click here if you want to find out more fun facts about Peeps....and I know that you do...

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