All I want to know is "who bought the potato salad"?

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Cause let's be honest. You can't just eat everybody's potato salad. Some folks just ain't able to navigate potatoes and mayo. For some it's a gift. Other, definitely a challenge.

But here in Michigan, potato salad could just be the beginning and least of your worries.

Let's just say in the Midwest, we have many differing palates and creative tastes when it comes to the side dish. Especially when that side dish is some sort of salad. Usually served cold and outside for the picnic, family reunion, graduation party, wedding reception, get my drift right?

There are tried and true traditions that still show up and folks instantly have that gag reflex. Others greet with open arms and mouths.

Submitted for your approval, pistachio salad.

It's called a salad, but it's really a dessert.

And it goes by many names: Pistachio Dessert Salad, Watergate Salad or Pistachio Fluff.

All of this is a problem for me.

And thankfully, it DID NOT make the list.

But let's take a look at WHO DID make our list of Midwestern/Michigan salads. We're going to run down our list of 12 and agree to disagree on some of them. OK, a lot of them.

Let us know how many you've encountered, eaten, detest, avoid like the plague, or might even have a secret family recipe for.

Which one can you make and it always kills at the party.

Peep the list and then let us know on our app.

12 'Salads' That You'll Find at a Midwestern Get-Together [LIST]

Whether it's a bbq, family reunion, or graduation party, there are some staple foods that Midwesterners usually have when they gather together.

Most of those foods have salad in the name...and some of them even have lettuce!

East Lansing Farmers Market

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You probably already have a favorite dining location with a view, most of us do. But what you will find here is a nice long list of waterfront dining locations in every part of Michigan. Be adventurous, take a drive and explore something new, you'll find locations within an hour or more away from you that you have yet to experience.

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