Everybody likes Jason Segel. But you may not know how talented he is. He actually wrote the script for the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". And before he was ever in that movie or "How I Met Your Mother" on TV, he was an unemployed actor who actually wrote a Dracula musical for puppets. No, seriously. One of the songs, "Dracula's Lament" made it into the movie. It's one of my favorite scenes. The moment he starts singing always cracks me up. If you ever saw "FSM", you'll laugh - again.


Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.

Banana Don can be reached via email at don.jefferson@townsquaremedia.com and on Twitter at @WITLBananaDon and @WITLFM. Also, Facebook friend Banana Don and Stephanie at Facebook.com/BananaStephanie and Facebook.com/WITLFM.



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