WITL Is A Proud Sponsor Of Ken Burns Country Music
It's a don't miss television event. Ken Burns Country Music.
Legendary film director Ken Burns and his staff spent almost a decade documenting country music. From its beginnings, to its great impact on our society, to those who have been major forces in shaping this music, and so much more.
If you're like me, you have been following Ken Burns for years, enjoying his brilliant works like "Baseball" (a family favorite), "Baseball - The Tenth Inning," "The Civil War," "The Vietnam War" and more. No matter how much you know or think you know about any given subject, you are always certain to learn many new things along the way as you enjoy a Ken Burns documentary. And Country Music is no exception.
If you love country music, its stories and stars, make it a point to enjoy Ken Burns Country Music on WKAR-TV.
The documentary began tonight and will run through Wednesday and pick up again for the concluding episodes on Sunday, September 22 through Wednesday, September 25.
Get more info here from the WKAR website.