I'm going to go out on a limb and say you and your family has probably never spent the night on board an actual submarine. (If you HAVE - I apologize for assuming) The good news is that you can do just that, on the USS Silversides, in Muskegon. According to OnlyInYourState.com, the Silversides was a sub that actually saw action, in the Pacific, in World War II. It's now the showpiece of the USS Silversides Submarine Museum. The Silversides is now docked in a channel just off Lake Michigan. Groups of up to 20 kids and adults can stay overnight on-board the Silversides and it's relatively inexpensive. Of course, you have to sleep in the enlisted crew berths and there's no big screen to play video games on and the older kids will threaten to put the younger ones in the torpedo tubes and fire them into Lake Michigan (at least - that's what I would've done).

But, they'll probably never forget the experience and they might learn something.

(And to all the history buffs - I know the photo above is of the Nautilus - which was nuke powered and came after WWII - but, cool photo, huh?)


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