Wanna Be A Farmer? This Lady’s Giving Away Her Farm
Norma Burns has had a small (13 acres) farm in Bennett, North Carolina for 18 years. She's getting older now and she's ready to go live in a retirement community. BUT, according to MyFox8.com, instead of selling her farm, she'll be giving it away to somebody who can "wow" her panel of judges with their 200 word essay. The entry fee for her contest is $300 and her farm is worth $450,000. So she needs 1500 people to enter to make this worth it. She's looking for a couple who want to get into organic farming. Here's the link: http://www.bluebirdhillfarmessaycontest.com/
So...start writing. And don't forget to include these words - sunrise, dirt, plow and silage - to let her know you're serious. Good luck.
Banana Don and Stephanie McCoy amuse and thrill you every weekday morning from 5:30 – 10AM on the radio at 100.7 WITL.
Banana Don can be reached via email at don.jefferson@townsquaremedia.com and on Twitter at @WITLBananaDon and @WITLFM. Also, Facebook friend Banana Don and Stephanie at Facebook.com/BananaStephanie and Facebook.com/WITLFM.
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