Things You’ll Always See During a Michigan Winter
I am about to experience my 46th winter here in the State of Michigan. People constantly complain about the weather even though it has been pretty much the same every year since I was a kid. We get a great taste of all 4 seasons here in Michigan. Nothing is more comical to me than the Michigan winter. It gets cold and people get stupid as hell making decisions while freezing. It wears off after a while when you get used to it... The cold stupids... These are some of the things you'll see during a Michigan Winter. Please feel free to add yours in the comments.
I saw one just the other day. A little snow and a car way off in the ditch in an area where cars NEVER go. People and terrible winter driving habits make up a good chunk of the list. People driving too fast or too slow happens in any season, so I didn't add that to this list.
Think of it like a bingo card. See if you can check all these off your winter "saw it in Michigan in the winter" checklist.