Michigan Twitter Was Pretty Steamy During PandemicMichigan Twitter Was Pretty Steamy During PandemicWe are still waiting on the numbers for "drugs" and "rock and roll" though... Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Besides Michigan, Guess Which State Has The Most Lions Fans?Besides Michigan, Guess Which State Has The Most Lions Fans?Thank goodness for geotagging so we can search out the friendly faces of fellow Detroit Lions fans. PatPat
10 Relatable #GrowingUpinMichigan Tweets10 Relatable #GrowingUpinMichigan TweetsThere are some good ones here.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Michigan State Police Tweets on Legalization Day Are Hilarious and TrueMichigan State Police Tweets on Legalization Day Are Hilarious and TrueNothing better than when the police are in on the joke...and still get the message across. PatPat
A Great Tweet From Taste Of Country Lansing Star Brett EldredgeA Great Tweet From Taste Of Country Lansing Star Brett EldredgeYou're going to like this.Chris TylerChris Tyler
ELPD & MSU Welcome WeekELPD & MSU Welcome WeekEast Lansing Police tweet game is strong. Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews