The popular Food Network show "Restaurant Impossible" hosted by Chef Robert Irvine will be filming an episode in Michigan next week and you're invited to be part of it.
Growing up I heard people on the news talk about giant sinkholes that would open up out of nowhere and swallow up an entire car. But I never knew that a sinkhole could happen underwater. Turns out they can and one of the biggest ones in Michigan is located in Alpena.
Laws are put into place for the well-being of everyone and to protect our rights and freedoms. There are also some laws that make you scratch your head and say who came up with this? These are five things that are still against the law in Michigan.
From Alabama’s Rosenbaum House to Wyoming’s Old Town Trail there are some really cool and unique buildings. When it comes to Michigan this is the most unusual building.
On Friday Gaylord, Michigan was hit by an EF-3 tornado which packed damaging winds up to 140 miles per hour. If you're looking to help out, there are several ways you can do so.
Alexa Lindsey of Holland, Michigan has gained national attention for her award-winning mullet and the honor of being the 2022 USA Female Mullet Champion.