Potter Park Zoo Having a Goodbye Party For Endangered Black Rhino JaaliPotter Park Zoo Having a Goodbye Party For Endangered Black Rhino Jaali Potter Park Zoo was so excited at the birth of its first-ever black rhino calf Jaali. Cadillac JackCadillac Jack
ICYMI: The Black Rhino Birthday Party @ Potter Park ZooICYMI: The Black Rhino Birthday Party @ Potter Park ZooJaali the baby black rhino had balloons, cake, and more. He's even got his own t-shirt with the Lugnuts. We've got photos and videos.LargeLarge
Lansing Zoo Holding Contest to Name Rare Baby RhinoLansing Zoo Holding Contest to Name Rare Baby RhinoOn Christmas Eve, Lansing's Potter Park Zoo celebrated the birth of a rare black rhino calf. Now they're looking for help naming the little guy!JannaJanna