100.7 WITL’s Country Concert Calendar100.7 WITL’s Country Concert Calendar100.7 WITL is proud to be your Country Concert Connection! Where are your favorite artists playing in Michigan next? Find out here!JRJR
Alan Jackson Set To Hit The Road In 2020Alan Jackson Set To Hit The Road In 2020And he'll be coming to Michigan.Chris TylerChris Tyler
Bob Seger Adds Shows To “Last” Concert TourBob Seger Adds Shows To “Last” Concert TourI don't think he really wants to quit.Banana DonBanana Don
When Rascal Flatts Visited The Wittle White HouseWhen Rascal Flatts Visited The Wittle White HouseIt seems like only a couple of years ago. It seems...Chris TylerChris Tyler
When Garth & Trisha Were In Grand Rapids: Gallery 1When Garth & Trisha Were In Grand Rapids: Gallery 1Were you there too?Chris TylerChris Tyler
When Garth & Trisha Were In Grand Rapids: Gallery 2When Garth & Trisha Were In Grand Rapids: Gallery 2Were you there too?Chris TylerChris Tyler
Banana Don & Stephanie McCoy Talk To Garth BrooksBanana Don & Stephanie McCoy Talk To Garth BrooksThe Country Superstar spent some time with The Wittle Family on Thursday morning.Chris TylerChris Tyler