Make Money in The “Pothole Madness Bracket Challenge”Make Money in The “Pothole Madness Bracket Challenge”I'm sure you have run over a pothole or two this week, or maybe today. Well now Michigan might be paying you.MaxMax
Do You Have A Winter Survival Kit In Your Car?Do You Have A Winter Survival Kit In Your Car?Don't get caught in a storm without all of the supplies you need to keep yourself safe. LargeLarge
Three People Injured In Stockbridge After Car Crash Involving CowsThree People Injured In Stockbridge After Car Crash Involving CowsThree people were hurt when their car ran head on into three cows that were in the middle of a road in Stockbridge.Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg
Avoid A Ticket: Clean All The Snow From The Roof Of Your CarAvoid A Ticket: Clean All The Snow From The Roof Of Your CarDon't be the person who leaves snow on the roof of their car so that it can fly into the windshield of someone else's! It could earn you a ticket. Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
Michigan Law: Clean ALL THE SNOW From Your CarMichigan Law: Clean ALL THE SNOW From Your CarYou need to make sure ALL THE SNOW is cleared from your car before you hit the road. You COULD GET A TICKET...OR WORSE.LargeLarge
Craziest Video You’ll See Today? Gotta Be The “Tree-Car” From Suburban ChicagoCraziest Video You’ll See Today? Gotta Be The “Tree-Car” From Suburban ChicagoHunters - why move your tree stand, when you can move the whole tree? Brilliant!Banana DonBanana Don