If you thought about saving a buck, you may not be saving that much money after all. Dollar Tree is raising some of their prices again on certain brands.
Discover why Michigan is becoming a top choice for affordable living with an inflation rate of only 2.6% and housing costs 22.9% below the national average.
When it comes to the weather in Michigan, you never know what the day will bring. It could be sunny and warm one day, and the next day the temperature drops, and flurries are in the forecast. As we look forward to summertime in Michigan we could be in for a real scorcher.
If your from out of state or looking for a 3 day weekend, Michigan is one of USA's most 420 friendly states. See which cities cater to marijuana fans the most.
You know that you have to save and invest money to retire one day. But do you know how much you'll need to live comfortably in Michigan? This is how much you'll need according to the experts.