So how does this happen?

Photo Courtesy of the Really Honked Off Car Owner
Photo Courtesy of the Really Honked Off Car Owner

More important, how does it happen more than once?

I'm happy to announce that I indeed got stuck in my own driveway yesterday morning, AGAIN. How awesome is that?

I thought I could get by without blowing the snow before backing out but I was wrong. I was so wrong that I slid into a snowbank and wasn't able to get out until massive amounts of snow blowing, digging, and finally a two by four used as a fulcrum by my next door neighbor Dave, a saint of a man and a Wittle listener I might add.

It was a pleasant start to another day here in Antarctica.

I'm ending this blog now before I begin writing some of the words that I was uttering as I was trying to get unstuck yesterday...

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