On Michigan’s Opening Day Eve – Will Video Games Save Hunting?
Late last week I shared the story that the numbers of people hunting and fishing in Michigan have been declining for years - with the drop-off accelerating. One of the reasons given was that kids who would've gone hunting and fishing years ago - now play video games.
But now along comes Red Dead Redemption 2 - a video game in which you control a character named Arthur Morgan, an old-west outlaw living in 1899. And Arthur has to eat, right? So, he (and you) goes hunting and fishing. And to be successful at stalking and killing dinner, the game teaches you to be quiet, use the wind to your favor and make well-placed shots. Which is what you'd learn in the real world on your first deer hunt. I know - there have been hunting video games out there in the past. But those have been preaching to the choir. This game has a HUMONGOUS fan base.
Interestingly enough, one huge fan of the hunting part of this game is Keza MacDonald - a British vegetarian, who writes about gaming for kotaku.com Keza says, "I’ve spent many hours hunting deer, wolves and other creatures in Red Dead, not for the rewards (which are pretty meh) but because I find it weirdly enjoyable." Keza - come on over and try the real thing. I've got a seat for you in a Michigan deer shanty. You can use my slug gun and you can donate the venison to a food bank.
Questions. I have a few. How many people got their pilot's license because they got into Microsoft's Flight Simulator? Could the same happen with gamers who want to try the real thing after hunting deer on the Red Dead games?
Hello - Michigan DNR? (And the entire outdoor industry) Are you seeing this?
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