I know this might be controversial, but this is my hot take: Movie theaters are too cozy.

Hear me out.

It's not that I don't like cozy, it's that I think movie theater are getting a bit too cozy.

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Movie Theaters are Too Cozy

Almost every theater you go to nowadays  has some kind of extra-cushioned, reclining chair to sit in, sometimes even coming with a swivel tray to set your stuff on. And these amenities are so nice, but are they really necessary for a two to three hour sit?

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I think my real beef is... it's so cozy that it makes me want to fall asleep, and sometimes, I do.

There's a time and a place for a cat nap, and it's not a dark theater where I just paid $30 to sit and eat a bag of popcorn... that's an expensive nap.

It's not just the chairs that are cozy, but it's the vibes too. I've seen that some movie theaters sell blankets in the lobby that you can snuggle up with in your seat. If that's not going to make me fall asleep, I don't know what will.

Rant Over

Can we at least bring back chairs that don't recline into almost a bed-like position?

Alright, I'm realizing how old I sound so, rant over. Thank you for coming to my two cent Ted Talk.

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