Michigan Moves Up the List of “Most Fun States”
WalletHub just put out their list of the "Most Fun States in America". Michigan should have been ranked number one overall, but, due to (I believe) vote tampering by the Russians and targeted ads on Facebook, we came in at number 16.
HOWEVER, that's a jump of 22 places from last year. So, we're getting funner.
The bad news? Are you sitting down? Ohio came in at number 13. Are you kidding?
How does that happen? Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Higher per capita population of Amish? I don't get it. But, in Cincinnati, they're celebrating this list by getting in our face about it. But, they live in Cincinnati - very close (maybe too close) to #42 - Kentucky.
Michigan is #1 when it comes to most golf courses and tied at #1 for most marinas. So, we're killing it every summer.
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Noted zythologist and all-around fun guy Banana Don can be reached via email at don.jefferson@townsquaremedia.com and on Twitter at @WITLBananaDon and @WITLFM. Also, Facebook friend Banana Don and Stephanie at Facebook.com/BananaStephanie and Facebook.com/WITLFM.
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