Michigan In The Final Four – And A “Blue Moon”? Coincidence?
Saturday night, two things will be happening. The Michigan Wolverines will be playing Loyola-Chicago for a chance to advance to the NCAA Championship basketball game on Monday. And, according to Space.com, we'll also be treated to the last "Blue Moon" of this year. (I know - it's not REALLY blue in color, but I can almost guarantee this will be referred to as the "Maize and Blue Moon" during the game.)
We'll see if Sister Jean has an answer for this.
In fact, this will be the last Blue Moon until Halloween night of 2020 (don't worry - I'll remind you in a couple of years)
Good luck, Wolverines. At least the moon is on your side.
Saturday's moon will rise here at around 8:20PM. At least the weather should be nice for all of this.
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