For those who live in Michigan, you better gear up – we could be in for some above-average snowfall this year.

Of course, it all depends on where you’re located, but according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), some parts of Michigan could see a lot more snow than usual this winter.

Michigan Could Be In For Higher Than Normal Snowfall This Winter

If you’re up in Northern Michigan, especially, get ready. Some areas could see anywhere from 50-70% more snow this season than what we typically get. This means places that are already used to hefty snowfall might be looking at even higher totals, piling up faster than usual.

👇Read Till The End: These are 20 Signs That Michigan's Winter Will Suck 👇

For those of you in the Upper Peninsula, this could mean even more intense snowfalls, adding to the already heavy winter weather you’re used to up there.


Downstate, it might be a bit of a different story. For those of us in places like the Mid-Michigan area, the forecast isn’t quite as extreme. While we might not be looking at record-breaking numbers, it’s still a good idea to prepare for some solid snow events.

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Canva Pro

For some Michiganders, keeping that trusty snow shovel, or plow close by may be a good idea. For others, just keeping that winter jacket and also your snow shovel handy, may be a good idea.

While a lot of snow isn't predicted for us here in the Mid-Michigan area, it's better to be prepared than to be shocked when the snow starts to fall. Remember, this is Michigan. If you're upset with the weather, wait 15 minutes.

These are 20 Signs That Michigan's Winter Will Suck

Winters in Michigan can vary wildly, but there are always signs that give us hints as to how bad it can be. Check out the 20 signs that Michigan's winter might suck.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

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