Is it Normal for Sunflowers to Grow Like This?
I don't know too much about plants and gardening. I have, what you might call, a "black" thumb instead of a green one because most plants that enter into my life usually end up dead. That's why I'm so surprised about this crazy sunflower in my backyard.
I have this small raised garden bed in my backyard. The garden was a bit overgrown when we first moved in, so we figured we'd let it go for now and tackle it next spring/summer along with the rest of the landscaping. So, imagine my surprise when this overgrown lettuce and herb garden bed produced a sunflower that I most certainly did not plant. And this thing is a little wacky.

When it first grew in, it look like one tall sunflower. But now that it's continued to bloom, it's gotten crazier and crazier. It went from one sunflower bloom, to two, then six, and then it just kept going. And the last time I counted, it had 14 individual blooms on one stalk alone!
Is It Normal For Sunflowers to Grow Like This?
So I have to know...is it normal for sunflowers to grow in like this? Or is this something that is more common that I think? If you have flower knowledge in that beautiful brain of yours, take a look at this sunflower and let me know what you think by sending a message in the station app.
If you love a good sunflower and, even more so, a good sunflower picture, be sure to check out the gallery below. There are nine places here in Michigan that have sunflower fields that make for the perfect cute background to take all the gorgeous social media pics that your heart desires!
9 Places in Michigan to Take Cute Sunflower Pics Before the Season is Over
UP NEXT: How To Care For Fall Mums
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