Is It Legal To Kill Wild Turkey In Michigan?
Inflation has caused the cost of everything to go up, including the price of Thanksgiving and holiday dinners. Perhaps you look out your dining room window every morning and see wild turkey walking through the yard like they own the place...and you've thought: "The most expensive part of Thanksgiving Dinner is right here in my Clio or Montrose back yard... hold my coffee!" Well, not so fast!
Yes, technically you can hunt turkey. The details from the State are not simple, of course. You need a base hunting license. Then, apply for a seasonal turkey hunt. Like a lottery, you wait to be chosen. There's even a protocol for what happens if you're not chosen, here.
There are various zones in Michigan where hunting dates are scheduled. Genesee and surrounding counties all have a different "Hunt Unit" as determined by the Department of Natural Resources. Only Wayne and Monroe Counties have no hunting in the lower half of Michigan's Lower Peninsula. View all of the zone boundaries here on pages 6 and 7. Important note: the 2022 Fall hunt dates for most of our area are designated September 15-November 14.
Kids 10 and up hunt with the appropriate training and a guardian has a mentoring license, etc. If you're planning to invite friends from out of state, there's an expensive license for them, too.
You can't bait turkeys and could end up in jail if you do. Dogs can be used, but only during designated seasons. No, you can't use some cool "turkey call" from your phone, either. The State of Michigan has every bit of info you need, here.
Good luck and "good eatin'."
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