Dad Does Not Want These Silly Gifts For Father’s Day
Are you ready to celebrate Father's Day? Did you get dad something nice this year? Are you planning on taking dad out for a nice meal? Did you get dad some golf gear or passes?
I'm a dad, and I don't need a gift on Father's Day. It is tradition and one that lives on in our family. I look forward to spending the day with my kids and having fun. I am not asking for a fancy meal, a new quad or anything like that. I do like the homemade gifts that are made for me by my kids. It means a lot to that they took the time to make something for me. It is especially cool because Father's Day is in June and whatever they decide to make me was not a class assignment. That just means that they did it on their own and felt good about creating it and surprising me with their gift.

Having children changed my life for the better. Some folks might not want to have children, and that's absolutely ok. I had asked the question on my personal Facebook page what gifts dad DOES NOT WANT for Father's Day and the responses were very entertaining. You can search Mo Jo on Facebook to find me. Most likely I will approve you and that way you can participate in my polls or give feedback to answers. In my post I made it clear I do not want socks for Father's Day. I also have the gifts that matter the most, my kids.
Here are some of the best responses regarding what dad does not want for Father's Day from my Facebook post.
Shawn M. Cox (he wants socks):
I do, request black ones for me
Dave Overley does not want:
Homemade "coupon" books.
Adam Cupp does not want:
Brandon Kemp does not want:
My kids coloring pictures for me. Stay inside the lines or it's trash Bubbah.
Chuck Proper does not want:
More kids
Jim Berheiser piggy backed on my comment about having gifts already:
So true Mo Jo, I tell my kids every year that I don't need a gift already had 2.
Alexandria Jyawook liked the thread apparently:
The comment section on this fb post is already so funny and it's only been up for an hour :)
Jim Lersch states what he wants:
All I want is the love of my kids :)
Brett Bellmore told us what he wants, not what he doesn't, that's ok:
How about a bicylce haven't ridden one in years
Greg Brooks says:
I don't want a veggie burger. Give me steaks to grill and the kids to eat with
Kia Young tells us what her husband is getting, like it or not:
My husband is getting a bubble gun....
Mike Smith says:
My dog aint buying me anything...
Some of the responses about not wanting kids surprised me because I know some of you fellas and I think you'd be amazing dads. Your feedback was entertaining and thank you for sharing. Have an amazing Father's Day, dads. Enjoy that time with your kids, be safe and I'll do the same.