Heather Kendrick, Miss Michigan 2017, is in Atlantic City to compete for the Miss America 2018 title. According to MLive.com, Heather arrived in Atlantic City last Tuesday. The preliminary competition starts tomorrow and the Miss America Pageant will air live, this Sunday, at 9PM on ABC-TV. The last time Michigan won Miss America was 2007.

Heather won Miss Michigan as Miss Washtenaw County in June. She graduated from Michigan last December with a bachelor's in organizational studies and a bachelor's in music education. And she's a fiddle player. I'm sure she would prefer the term "violin performer", but she's not writing this blog, so....BTW, Heather will be playing Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" on the fiddle for her performance part of the competition.

We'll see if she makes it into the Top 15 early on Sunday night. You can help her out by voting for her as "America's Choice". Voting for "America's Choice" is open through 9 p.m., tonight. The contestant with the most votes will be guaranteed a spot among the top 15. As a former beauty pageant MC, I'm not a fan of that idea. I think it just shows what state has the best social media marketing campaign. But, I'm writing this blog, not running the Miss America Pageant.


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